What are Scrum Artifacts

What do you understand by the Scrum artifacts? 

As the name suggests, Scrum artifacts are related to Scrum that is called as “radiators” as they help share or radiate the information. These represent the value or work in different ways that are very helpful in providing the opportunities and transparency to adapt and inspect. They maximize the transparency of the information that is needed to make sure the teams are successfully delivering the “Done” increment. Let us now see what are the different types of Scrum Artifacts.

Learn the Scrum Artifacts main methodologies

If the users do not know what are Scrum Artifacts, then let us inform you that there are three major components in Scrum Artifacts. They are:

  • Product Backlog
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Product increment

Let us now have an understanding of these three. Also, many users have asked the question “What is the purpose of Scrum artifacts?”. For their understanding, let us elaborate on each of them.

Product backlog: The product backlog can be explained as the list of all things needed in the product. This is considered as the final document by the Scrum Team. This list of items is owned by the Product Owner. The task of the product owner is to maintain, create and prioritize the list.

Sprint Backlog: During the Sprint, the items from the Product Backlog are identified and they plan to deliver it in the next iteration. So, the items selected becomes part of the Sprint backlog.

Products increments: This is the sum of all product backlog items that are completed during the sprint and also the value of the increment of all the previous sprint. To deliver this increment, you should have a shared understanding of the definition of done.

So, these are the scrum artifacts and some of the best practices that will help to deliver quality artifacts. This is, therefore, important for all the organization as it helps in delivering better work. This helps the individual gain a proper understanding of the work in an organization.